Cast and Crew of the 2014 Vidya Gaem Awards
Main Team:
Directed by PhoneEatingBear
Produced by PhoneEatingBear & Anonymous
Edited by PhoneEatingBear
Sound mixing by PhoneEatingBear
Voice actors: Duke, Hara O'Bablyon & CounterTunes
Template Design by Segab & PhoneEatingBear
Logo by Ryan Dell
Preshow Mix by Stuff3
Written by Lamer Gamer, Tess, Yue, Beatstar, Importuno, MrTurtle66, SlamBliss, Kurushi, Jackald, LennyReviews and PhoneEatingBear
Intro, "Seal of Quality", "Not Important", "IP Twist", "Beta's Alpha", "Press X to Win", "Actually Kind of Fun", "Citizen Kane of Gaming", "Plot and Backstory", "Eye Candy", "Journal Update" "New Challenger", "Pixels are Art 2", "Most Hated" and "Least Worst" by PhoneEatingBear
"Silent Protagonist", "Shareholders", Intermission and "Deja Vu" by CounterTunes
"Not Another Rehash", "Niche", "Eyesore" and "Jet Set" by Segab
"Hyperbole" by Cluey3
"TF2 Fedora Skit" – Anonymous
"I love the /v/GAs" – Anonymous
"Dynasty Police Force" – Anonymous
"Drunken Chronicles" – Anonymous
"Serious Sam of Arabia" – Anonymous
"Just Another Vidya Day" – Anonymous
"24: The Phantom Pain" – Jackald
"Nolan North Award" – Segab
"Cat Skit 2" – Klixy
"What if Real Life was like Video Games" – Dysrexia
"Life is Hatred" – PhoneEatingBear
"Five Nights at Sonic's" – PhoneEatingBear
"Binding of Mad Men" – PhoneEatingBear
"Preview" – Segab
Pleb Patrol:
Website by Clamburger and Segab
And finally,
>they're contributors to a shitty online video game award show
>they take their jobs very seriously
>they do it for free